Sheep & Goat Consignments
Annual Bred Ewe & Goat Special with Regular Sheep & Goat Sale
Starting at 8:30 a.m. on Regular Sheep & Goat Sale, 1:00 p.m. on Bred Ewe & Goat Special
The Bair Ranch
150 Targhee 3 & 4 Year Old Bred Ewes
Start lambing March 23 in 2 cycles
Bred to Suffolk & Hampshire Rams
Baird, Jack
108 Rambouillet/Merino Bred Ewes
37--2's & 3's
24--4's & Older
All start lambing April 3 for 35 days
50 Lambs
50 Open Ewes
Bauwens, Sharon
5 Columbia 3 to 5 Year Old Bred Ewes
Start lambing in April
Bred to Suffolk Rams
Brehmer, B
9 Kiko/Kiko Cross 2-4 Year Old Bred Does
Start kidding mid April
Bred to Kiko Billy
Bucklin, John
75 Rambouillet/Targhee 3 to 5 Year Old Bred Ewes
75 Rambouillet/Targhee Short Term Bred Ewes
Start lambing April 25
Bred to Helle and Hageman Rambouillet Rams
Micron 20.2
Buessing, Brian-Complete Dispersion
75 Boer & Boer Cross 2 to 5 Year Old Bred Nannies
Start kidding first week of May for 45 days
Bred to Boer & Savannah Billies
Kids have topped the market the last few years
Cottrell, Destiny
82 Mixed WF, Suffolk, and Cross Solid Mouth and 3 to 5 Year Old Bred Ewes
3 Piebald Solid Mouth Bred Ewes
Start lambing April 1 to May 31
Bred to Hampshire Rams
Wormed and UTD on shots
Edwards, Dan
20 Rambouillet/Targhee Short Term Bred Ewes
100 Rambouillet/Targhee Exposed Ewe Lambs, 85-90 lbs
All exposed to lamb in May
Bred to Rambouillet Rams
Finkbeiner Livestock LLC
10 Boer Bred Nanny Goats, first time kidders
Start kidding April 1
Bred to Boer Bucks from Lazy Acre Boers
30 Rambouillet Bred Ewes
May lambers
Bred to Rambouillet Rams
Haimerl, Dick
24 Rambouillet Ewe Lambs, 80 lbs
April/May born, CDT booster on6/24, wormed 1/23/25
Holderman, Duane
50 Boer/Kiko/Savannah/Spanish Bred Doelings
April/May born, avg 80 lbs
Start kidding April 15
Have been bred and culled extensively to raise crossbred meat goats that can provide maximum returns at minimum effort
Hubbard Cattle Co.
120 Boer/Boer Cross Wethers, 65 lbs
Aprox. 8-9 months old, weaned 2 months
Lehfeldt Rambouillets
320 Rambouillet Short Term Bred Ewes
140 Rambouillet Yearling Bred Ewes
Start lambing April 8th
Bred to EPD select Lehfeldt Rambouillet Rams
All ewes eyed, wormed, and tagged in the Fall
Over 20 years of genetic selection built into these ewes and rams. Selected for wool traits, carcasses values, and increased lambing percentage.
Lesh, Riley
41 Columbia 3 to 5 Year Old Bred Ewes
Start lambing April 1 to June 1
Bred to Columbia and Hampshire Rams
Avg. 180 lbs
ONO Ranch
40 Targhee/Polypay few Suffolk 5 to 6 Year Old Bred Ewes
Start lambing April 1st
Bred to Big Targhee Rams
All had 170% lambing percentage in 2024
Preble, Elizabeth
1 Icelandic Cross 2 Year Old Bred Ewe
2 Icelandic Cross Yearling Bred Ewes
Start lambing March 1st
Bred to Icelandic Ram
Special K Ranch
18 Targhee Solid Mouth & Short Term Bred Ewes
30 Targhee 3 Year Old Bred Ewes
2 Black Face 2-3 Year Old Bred Ewes
All start lambing first part of April
Bred to Targhee & Suffolk Rams
Trangmoe, J.
65 Crossbred Lambs, 120 lbs
Undem, Joel
40 Targhee Bred Ewes
25-coming 2's
15-coming 3's
Start lambing March 15
Bred to Paugh Rams
Fall dewormed, on alfalfa & protein tubs, 21 micron wool, downsizing family flock of 35 years
WWF Livestock
71 Targhee 4 to 6 Year Old Bred Ewes
Start lambing immediately(yellow mark), 2nd cycle(pink marks)
Bred to Targhee & Hampshire Cross Rams
Ewes have year of birth on ear tag, 20.5 micron wool, all from one producer
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